FKI Logistex Invests in Expanded Sales and Service Organization in Canada |
FKI Logistex Canada brings together three existing FKI Logistex Canadian divisions Airport, Post & Parcel, Warehouse & Distribution, and Manufacturing Systems to create a single, go-to-market entity in Canada offering enhanced, integrated service to the company's Canadian customer base. " FKI Logistex "I look forward to working together with our talented sales, service and engineering staff to better service the Canadian material handling market," says McElweenie. "FKI Logistex's product and service offerings are second to none. We are excited to expand and evolve our operations in McElweenie, who leaves his post as vice president, sortation, and general manager of FKI Logistex North America's In McElweenie joined FKI Logistex in 2000. Prior to joining FKI Logistex, he held positions at Motion Systems, Siemens ElectroCom & AEG Sorting Systems, and G.N. Johnston Equipment. About FKI Logistex FKI Logistex provides material handling solutions for airports, postal facilities, parcel distribution, manufacturing operations, library automation, and for warehouse and distribution facilities. With projects that include many of the world's largest and most advanced material handling operations, FKI Logistex has manufacturing, engineering and support facilities around the world. For more information on FKI Logistex, click here to visit the FKI Logistex media center. For general sales information, contact FKI Logistex by phone at +1.877.935.4564 in North America, +44 (0) 870 350 3055 in Europe, or +86 21 52372255 in |