Three days before Christmas, the White House Office of Management and Budget in conjunction with the DOT’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Admin released their final decisions on the revised Hours of Service rules. Instead of being a Christmas gift, these new rules are more like a sack of coal from Scrooge and were not merrily received by the trucking industry and shippers. Unfortunately these new HOS rules will have some adverse affects on the trucking industry and all consumers across the country. 

    This day had been feared by the trucking industry for over a year after an out of court settlement by the FMCSA to a lawsuit brought by a Highway Safety group and the Teamster union. The FMCSA issued initial rules which were roundly opposed by shippers and the trucking industry. While these new proposed rules were supposedly developed with the intent and goal of improving highway safety, the trucking industry has maintained for over a year in public hearings, press releases and revised studies that the proposed HOS revisions would have just the opposite effect. 

    The American Trucking Association (ATA) maintains that as a result of the new HOS rules the highways will become less safe with more trucks on the nation’s highways. The reduced average weekly driving time will require more dispatches resulting in more truck traffic congestion and fatalities. Since the HOS rules were last revised in 2003 the trucking industry’s overall safety record has improved dramatically. The ATA’s bottom line is that old saying, “If it ain’t broke, why fix it?” 

    The FMCSA claims that their studies show that these new rules will cost carriers about $470 million but have benefits of $630 million and save lives on the nation’s highways. A counter study sponsored by the ATA found that the FHSA study was greatly flawed and in fact the opposite would occur as it estimates that the net effect would be a significant increase in operating costs to the carriers and private fleets. The carriers maintained that the initially proposed rules would result in added equipment and driver costs. It has to give you pause as to how two studies can be so diverse.

    To be fair the rule changes could have been much worse if the entire original proposal had been implemented, in particular the initially proposed reduction of limiting daily driver hours from the current eleven to ten hours. The change to ten hours was the one rule that the trucking industry most vehemently opposed. Changing to ten hours would have required a major re-engineering of the LTL carrier’s breakbulk and linehaul operations and resulted in a reduction in the number of points that an origin service center could provide next day and second day service. The LTL carrier’s breakbulk networks are setup to allow for multiple driver turns to end of line service centers or eleven hour runs between the breakbulk facilities. 
    The FMCSA said that the main reason the eleven hour rule was not changed to ten was because the agency was “unable to definitively demonstrate that a 10 hour limit would have higher benefits than an 11 hour limit, therefore the current 11 hour limit is unchanged at this time.” 

    However, one major rule change was the reduction of total driver hours for the week as a result of the restrictions on the 34 hour restart rule. The 34 hour restart can now only be used once per week and the 34 hour restart period must include at least two periods between 1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a. m. It is projected that the net effect of these changes will be an average reduction of 15% in allowable driving hours per week from 82 to 70. 

    The 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. change is intended to allow drivers to get more sleep during the night. FMCSA contends that this will create more rested drivers as they will be getting more sleep during what is perceived as normal sleep periods. What the FMCSA fails to understand is that truck drivers who run at night become acclimated to sleeping during the day time hours and switching back and forth from daylight to night time sleep will only make it more difficult for drivers to develop regular sleeping patterns. 

    Most LTL carriers run the majority of their linehaul operations between the breakbulks and their end of line service centers from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Monday through Friday with some weekend runs between breakbulk facilities. Therefore the new 34 hour restart rule with the 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. sleep period twice per week requirement will have little impact on the LTL carriers. I spoke with a safety director of a major LTL carrier and he confirmed this position. If their Monday – Friday drivers also run extra trips on the weekends then the carriers may be required to carry more drivers in their driver pool which will result in reduced driver utilization and higher labor costs. You can see that the Teamster union has achieved one of their objectives with the initial lawsuit.

    The estimated reduction in a driver’s maximum weekly hours from 82 to 70 will hit the full truckload carriers and private fleets the most in driver and equipment utilization. In particular, on long haul or trans-continental runs which now require over 70 driving hours to complete a round trip back to their domicile. 

    I had a major retailer tell me at the most recent Parcel Forum that as a result of these new proposed rules their current trans- continental linehaul operation by their private fleet will require a major overhaul. Their current single drivers will now run out of service hours before returning from the west coast to their home domicile. They will be forced to establish a relay operation or convert to a more expensive sleeper tractor operation to be in compliance. The net result will be a more costly operation to support their supply chain and distribution network.

    In addition, there are some changes in the hours on-duty rules which take effect almost immediately on February 27, 2012 and concern has been expressed that this will not provide adequate time to educate drivers and carrier compliance personnel in the new rules. The new rules come with excessive monetary penalties for compliance failure.

    As the trucking industry promotes, if you bought or used something in America, it most likely at one time moved by truck. Therefore if the net effect of these new HOS rules is higher cost and lower productivity by the carriers, then they will be forced to pass on these higher costs with higher freight rates. Bottom line, these higher carrier costs will eventually reach consumers in the price of goods on the store shelf. 

    The major rule on the 34 hour restart period does not go into effect until July 1, 2013, therefore look for numerous lawsuits and legal action from both sides in coming months challenging the new rules for both stricter and less stringent consequences. 
    Thursday, September 05, 2013 9:09:27 AM by Anonymous
    I want to add one more thing. All you guys struggling with cpoamnies req 2+ years experience, etc. There is only one way to beat this system, go out an buy a 4-5 year old truck, best you can find, max. 100-120,000 mi avg per years 4 400-480+/- to ensure it wasn't rode hard and put away wet! These trucks should avg from 50-75K, buy a similar reefer trl or lease one to start. Then get your Authority thru OOIDA and hit it hard too earn cash through brokers and boards. This is the rough way and hard earned cash, but your the boss and you control the loads. Second you can go Lease option with Schnieder to get going, then go on your own.It is tough, difficult, long hours, but in the end your have some cash and can go home on demand, and even hire a fill-in drivr while you vacation (this is the perks of owning)just wanted to throw this extra out there, if you quit, your a quitter, but if you struggle for a few years, your a champion! Champs always get the gold.Wish you all well in this tough world, but if you are not home 4-6 days every two weeks, or 5-7 every three, your driving wrong, plus a minimum of 4-weeks a year vacation ( I split it in two) I never had Satellite trackers, Govenors, or any control devices as an independent, and I don't plan on it now. you can have similar devices that provide internet services and fax/tele on line, there are so many options if your not afraid of the big corp. I go with the punches, and drive smart and precise to avoid the problems. The old saying, where there is a will, there is a way. Spend the time understanding, and remember all lease programs are guaranteed rip-off's, but to go out there you may need it for a couple of years with a low budget rip-off company, but your concerned over time on-the-road, and experience, so get, and go on later!Blessing and keep safe and smart
    Saturday, September 07, 2013 10:16:35 AM by Anonymous
    I am so glad I got my license the old-school way, in 1979 went into the ofcife, took a 100 question test, then had a friend give me a truck to drive ( Old Int'l something) and passed. It was a Commercial Chaufers license back then in Okla. I am a Washingtonian native, and the one thing in life I never lost was my license. I think the problem is there is no apprenticeship programs or confidence measures prior to letting the reins loose. I have had to help frightened young boys in winter storms too many times to count, because they can out of school in the SW and give them a load to the NW, noway to survive! They just cram & jam for cash, I think the govt should worry more about school then all the hours and load regulations! Who does California think they are anyway? I thought we have a United States, not an Indepent Staets!Anyway, I am 53 and coming out of semi-retirement, haven't had to work for 4-5 years (accept on my farm), but times are fierce so I want to save my bank account, so in a new Coronado I go ..In the middle of a tough storm, I'll always come to your rescue, just stay close to my flkashing lights, and we'll make it or die trying! [url]duoezefr[/url] [link]fvtlqj[/link]
