VeriShip, the leader in parcel shipping intelligence, announced the launch of VeriShip Data Bridge (VDB), enabling companies that rely on parcel carriers like UPS and FedEx to close the data gaps between what happens to a package before it is manifested and all that happens after.

    Up to 25 percent of total parcel shipping expenses are made up of surcharges and accessorial fees, added on by carriers after packages have been manifested, shipped or reach their destination. But because those specific charges aren’t evident until they appear on a carrier invoice, they often are not accounted for when businesses calculate Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) metrics.

    VeriShip Data Bridge leverages the shipper’s original parcel carrier data – including invoices and tracking and transit logs – collected during existing parcel auditing processes and interpreted by the VeriShip Intelligence Platform (VIP) and prepares it for other systems a business uses, providing shippers with a holistic portrait of all their production and shipping data.

    “As consumers have grown accustomed to fast and free shipping, the pressure is on businesses to deliver,” said Andrew Brueckner, VeriShip’s Chief Customer Officer. “But the lost revenue and inefficiencies that arise from unaccounted for costs and expense visibility gaps hurt their bottom lines. VeriShip Data Bridge provides clarity that’s never been available before by making parcel data actionable and sharing it with their preferred ‘single source of truth’ systems.”

    With VeriShip Data Bridge, businesses can schedule and automate those parcel data imports into their preferred primary systems, including enterprise resource planning (ERP), transportation management (TMS), warehouse management (WMS), customer relationship management (CRM) and more.

    To learn more about VeriShip Data Bridge, visit

    About VeriShip

    VeriShip, the leader in parcel shipping intelligence, delivers data-driven satisfaction to more than 3,300 businesses through cost savings, fulfillment of parcel carrier promises, and happier customers – quickly, conveniently, and risk-free.

    VeriShip's Parcel Intelligence Platform and Carrier Contract Engineering empower businesses with a 3D Approach data, diagnosis, and design to parcel shipping optimization that starts with the audit, then goes beyond. Actionable data insights drive intelligent decision making, while on-demand monitoring of key performance indicators ensures 360-degree visibility and parcel accountability. Visit
