July 24 2006
Sometimes its the little things in life that have the biggest impact. Thats proving especially true in the world of parcel shipping, where something as small as a label is able to influence, and will perhaps... View More
July 24 2006
Recall the scene in Cast Away where Tom Hanks� character, an air/ground express manager, passionately declares to his employees, �Time is like fire; it can either destroy us or keep us warm. We live or... View More
July 24 2006
You have finally done it! The warehouse you designed and implemented, complete with a warehouse management system (WMS) tied in to the automation and the enterprise system, works like a charm. Operators... View More
July 24 2006
How serious are you about the job you do today? How do you measure your success? What are your priorities when it comes to addressing? What is the magic number to be successful when shipping your information... View More
July 24 2006
Today�s distributors are faced with supplying an evolving marketplace that consists of smarter and more demanding customers. They are continuously presented with new challenges and frequently asked to... View More
July 24 2006
Pallet rack is not generally regarded as very glamorous or exciting; however, if your operation is facing a minor crisis in storage capacity or if you have some rack that has had a structural failure,... View More
July 24 2006
Do you put extra stamps on your envelopes with the hope they�ll arrive faster? Would you knowingly spend $25 to send a package that would have arrived a day earlier for only $5? Sometimes, you do get what... View More
July 24 2006
The word �outsourcing� surely rings many bells. With the beginning of the deregulation era in transportation in 1996, companies underscored their efforts to streamline operations and focus on what they... View More
July 24 2006
Software selection and implementation services have become big business for consulting firms as well as the software vendors themselves. Even with outside assistance, selecting the right software for your... View More
July 24 2006
Radio frequency identification (RID) is one of the most promising and anticipated technologies in recent years. Magazine articles, television shows, analyst papers and the like are frequently trumpeting... View More
July 24 2006
The great majority of problems that occur in the distribution cycle are directly related to human error, negligent omissions or just plain lack of knowledge and training. Mistakes and accidents in the... View More
July 24 2006
Have you had inquiries about shipping your products internationally? Perhaps you have been thinking, �Now that we have a Web site, we are getting more international calls. I have a good shipping manager.... View More
July 24 2006
Customer product returns are becoming more frustrating to both businesses and consumers. Last year�s total number of returned items was 100 million. Forrester Research expects that number to skyrocket... View More
July 24 2006
No topic has generated more comments from parcel industry enthusiasts this past year than the ongoing tactics used by carriers to avoid paying out guarantee refunds. And shippers are getting madder by... View More
July 24 2006
Congratulations! You�ve just landed your first big customer! No more selling to just the �mom-and-pop� stores � this is really going to give your product national exposure and take you to the big time.... View More
July 24 2006
Today�s world of electronics shipping is far different from decades past. Order and delivery cycles have been reduced to days, not weeks or months. A typical manufacturing scenario goes like this: A factory... View More
July 24 2006
Although using overseas vendors and manufacturing plants has its drawbacks � more languages, distance and complexity, just to name a few � the savings and advantages that can be attained from doing so... View More
July 24 2006
Ergonomics is the practice of ensuring that the workplace properly accommodates the physical needs of the employees assigned to perform their job tasks safely at their assigned workstations. A program... View More
July 24 2006
Outsourcing has been around a long time. Practices in Europe and Japan seemed to have started the outsourcing interest. These examples reflect historical impacts of regulation and tradition. Europeans... View More
July 24 2006
Regardless of the industry, competition on the Internet can be fierce. To keep ahead of the competition, many successful companies are finding they need to reinvent themselves, widening the scope of their... View More
