July 25 2006
Desktop shipping systems that combine Stealth Indicia with U.S. Postal Service shipping tools (such as electronic Delivery Confirmation) have proven to be a popular and cost-effective means to take advantage... View More
July 25 2006
Canada Post is a leading provider of delivery solutions in the Canadian marketplace. Consisting of a vast network of people, processes, systems, infrastructures and partnerships, Canada Post brings together... View More
July 25 2006
After a decade or so of the term supply chain management being used, we seem to understand what it is, or at least what it can do for us. We do many things differently now. Some areas, like materials management,... View More
July 25 2006
Contrary to popular belief, management's role isn't to get the most productivity out of employees. It is to get the most value out of current assets. Sure employees are a big part of the equation, but... View More
July 25 2006
The hype surrounding radio frequency identification (RFID) has been going on for years, but it�s been mostly confined to industry forums and largely about the market potential. Now we�re seeing articles... View More
July 25 2006
In today�s economy, businesses have dramatically scaled back expenditures. Successful projects will not only automate processes, they will also deliver a quick return on investment. That being the case,... View More
July 25 2006
The introduction of guaranteed ground service by UPS and RPS has caused many shippers to take a closer look at parcel carrier transit times. The growing emphasis on inventory reduction, along with more... View More
July 25 2006
This is the mission of the Department of Defense�s (DoD) Automatic Identification Technologies (AIT) program. Even for the inventor of electronic data interchange (EDI), the DoD found that electronic... View More
July 25 2006
Having worked with packaging and material handling equipment manufacturers for a number of years, I have been fortunate to be exposed to the logistic needs of a wide range of industries. They ran the gamut... View More
July 25 2006
�I don�t remember exactly when it hit me,� recalls Diane Shoup, department manager of Office Services in CH2M HILL�s regional office in Herndon, VA, �but after watching the bulk of interoffice mail that... View More
July 25 2006
As the millennium approaches, mail centers across the country are picking up the pace. In spite of the increasing use of e-mail, hard-copy mail volume continues to rise. Business-to-business mailing also... View More
July 25 2006
This summer, United Parcel Service rocked the shipping and financial communities, not to mention their employees, when it announced its plan to sell 10% of its shares on the open market through a blockbuster... View More
July 25 2006
Over the past 30 years, barcode scanning has moved from the supermarket checkout, through the supply chain and into every industry where items are moved. From packages arriving at a receiving dock to medicine... View More
July 25 2006
This industry has matured significantly in the past five to 10 years and is experiencing some of the growing pains of the maturation process. There have been a number of consolidations, several public... View More
July 25 2006
When asked to write an article on the State of the Industry, my initial question was �where do I begin?� The subject is so broad, the options are without limit. Perhaps we could focus on distribution and... View More
July 25 2006
Are you positioned to survive in the Digital Jungle? The outcomes of the transition from the industrial economy of the 20th Century to the digital economy of the 21st Century are binary. That is, you will... View More
July 25 2006
Managing the inventory and distribution of ice cold drinks might not seem to have a lot in common with managing the inventory and distribution of shiny new trucks, but wireless LAN technology is helping... View More
July 25 2006
Increasing pressure to reduce costs and improve service levels has forced companies to refine where they position inventory throughout their supply chains and at what level. Traditional supply chains followed... View More
July 25 2006
The value of discovery in law suits was graphically demonstrated in the recent jury award of $1.5 million plus $80,000 in attorney fees on a $17,450 claim for damage in transit against Federal Express... View More
July 25 2006
Editor�s Note: This is the first of a two-part series on packaging supplies. This article deals with exterior or shipping packaging forms, and it was written with small- to medium-sized operations (between... View More
