I had the opportunity for over three decades to be a peddler of Parcel Services. I can recall one day getting a call from Dick Ward, the corporate traffic manager of Burroughs Corporation, headquartered... View More
Prices continue to escalate in the parcel/express industry at an unprecedented rate. Last fall, PARCEL published a survey conducted by Morgan Stanley stating that only 11% of major shippers utilized consultants.... View More
Back in the last century, the Internet was going to be the great leveler in the mail order industry (if you remember the term Mail Order, you may be older than some of the new start-ups!). And in many... View More
Question: How do I, as a shipper, make a �third party� liable for the payment of freight charges under the following scenario? Answer: A buyer sends me a purchase order for shipping to his customer... View More
Congratulations, you have negotiated the best freight program ever for your company. Now, how do you make it translate into a better bottom line? This is not easy. Remember, contract compliance is not... View More
Inbound vendor compliance � and the related savings on shipping � has become a hot cost-saving opportunity. If your company receives and pays for products from outside vendors, you can�t afford to overlook... View More
Question: The trade journals report about the new rate increases being published by parcel express carriers, but they never tell us about rule changes. Are parcel express shippers bound by rule changes... View More
Question: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (West Coast) held on February 11, 2003 that a clause in AT&T�s contract that required long distance customers to submit claims to mandatory arbitration... View More
Shipping and distribution operations have a direct impact on the bottom line for any organization. Consistently being able to select the right carrier for the right customer and delivering parcels and... View More
In todays rapidly-changing, deregulated transportation environment, a purchaser of transportation can significantly influence the bottom line of his or her company. Costs for freight paid by their company... View More
Question: I was told that UPS just issued a new tariff, but we were never informed by UPS of it. Are we bound by any increases in charges or any other changes? Answer: Absolutely! Every shipper... View More