WHY? Doesn’t it make sense? There’s lots of stuff we want soon, like
today — that new high-tech gizmo, medicine we just took the last of, the
how-to business book we plan on reading tonight to get a leg up on the
competition tomorrow. Ok, we don’t need everything today, but enough
of us want “some things” today that it makes a market… a set of customers
that want their stuff today badly enough to pay a little extra.

Consumers don’t plan; we’re impulsive. Needs crop up out of
the blue, randomly. At the B2B level, companies hate to carry
inventory and supplies. Same Day Delivery and reducing leadtimes
in general are the same time-compression strategies that
have driven much economic activity for decades. In some channels,
products are bought largely because they’re available
immediately; witness all the impulse items in the grocery store
check-out line.

In addition to serving this natural time-responsive need, Same
Day Delivery is one more application of the market making proposition:
If you built it, they will come! Download the PDF to get the full article, complete with charts!

View SameDay.pdf
