Frankenthal, January 19th 2016 – The use of cloud-based IT platforms in the automotive industry leads to significant improvements of results of cooperation between manufacturers and suppliers. This is the conclusion of the current whitepaper of the Frankenthal-based IT company AXIT, “Collaboration along the supply chain in the automotive industry”.

    Digitalization along the supply chain allows for smooth interacting collaboration of the participants. Stock and transport cost is reduced significantly; at the same time production processes can be accelerated and delivery periods are shortened.

    “Cloud-based IT platforms allow for flowing cooperation between many participants in a network; bilateral business relations are replaced by collaboration”, Frauke Heistermann, member of AXIT’s management, describes one of the aspects of cross-company integration of suppliers, logistics providers and manufacturers via a central IT platform.

    Here the cloud is considered an enabler of collaboration in the diverse world of the automotive industry: “The central IT platform enables cross-company workflows and allows for a complete view on the procurement process”, explains Heistermann. “This expedites information and management processes.”

    Cooperation partners in complex procurement processes are provided important information at the earliest possible stage. This way they gain more room for maneuver, make better decisions and plan more precisely. Once data and information has been entered into the IT platform it is available immediately for all participants at the push of a button, independent from location, and – does not need to be entered multiple times.

    “Due to the transparency in the supply chain errors can be avoided and logistical processes can be planned proactively”, says Heistermann. Apart from that, the close and partner-like cooperation makes for an innovation-friendly climate.

    Potentials of AXIT’s cloud-based supply chain will be presented at the Forum Automobillogistik of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) and the Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) e.V. on 3rd and 4th February, 2016, in Frankfurt (Booth 1/17). The whitepaper “Collaboration along the supply chain in the automotive industry” can also be requested free of charge at

    About AXIT

    AXIT is a specialist for cloud-based IT solutions for the management of cross-company logistics processes. With AX4 the company runs the industry’s leading logistics platform used by more than 150,000 users from trade and industry as well as at logistics providers for the management of their supply chain.

    Founded in 1999, AXIT meanwhile employs a staff of over 130. Many well-known companies can be found among the customers, including BASF, Audi, Ford, Deutz, dm Drogeriemarkt, Schmitz Cargobull, Wöhrl, BAT from industry and retail sector as well as more than 2,000 carriers and logistic service providers such as DB Schenker, DHL, Panalpina, Rhenus, CargoLine and GO!.

    Siemens Postal, Parcel & Airport Logistics GmbH (SPPAL) is the owner of AXIT. SPPAL is specialist for logistics processes in the field of parcel, baggage, cargo and mail as well as distribution logistics.

    About AX4 and AX4 Open

    Upholding the motto “Supply Chain Management at the Push of a Button” more than one million shipments data are exchanged via the cloud-based logistics platform AX4 every day. Thus AX4 is one of the leading logistics platforms for the management of cross-company logistics processes. With flexible, consistent workflows AX4 informationally maps the physical flow of goods and has already been awarded several innovation awards.

    AX4 Open allows to flexibly adapt AX4 solutions to the customer’s ideas. According to the motto “Do IT Yourself” customers can create and manage their individual AX4 solution with this innovative tool. The advantages are obvious: Independently from the provider adaptations can be done at any time or best practice solutions can be multiplied at the push of a button.
