Do you feel the pinch of low visibility to solve your logistics problems? Don’t let limited IT resources hinder you. RateLinx can help. We are the only logistics software provider to create clean, actionable data with no IT required.

    Getting timely, reliable actionable data is often a stumbling block for most. The issue with data (or the lack of good data) often revolves around constraints within IT departments, which are usually stretched too thin to help. This is where RateLinx’ Intelligent Invoice ManagementSM (IIM) can be plugged into the process—between the carrier and your current Freight Audit & Payment provider—to not only show what the problems are, but also help fix them with actionable data.

    Link Order, Shipment, Track & Trace, and Invoice

    Intelligent Invoice ManagementSM links the order, shipment, track & trace and invoice data. You can access actionable, standardized data to identify where decisions need to be made and actions taken. This level of visibility allows you to diagnose your most pressing transportation management challenges easily and without internal IT support.

    Once our proprietary software, IIM, standardizes data to automate thousands of known freight management decisions, we collaborate with you to find previously unknown opportunities. RateLinx gives you complete visibility into your supply chain in real time, allowing you to develop and deploy strategies that increase efficiency and reduce costs. In fact, IIM allows companies to develop strategies that are laser focused and aligned with overall goals.

    Improve, Not Replace Your Existing Freight Payment and TMS

    You may already have a freight payment provider and a great TMS, but if not leveraged correctly, results will come up short. Unlike other software providers, we start by looking at your current systems and your historical data. We collaborate with you on industry-leading best practices and strategies to reduce freight spend while becoming a shipper of choice.

    We don’t rely on re-sellers so our knowledge is unprecedented. RateLinx develops and implements our customized software for the visibility and shipping intelligence you’ve always wanted—without internal IT support. RateLinx has a single proprietary Rating Engine so it understands the custom routing rules in the TMS which guides rate modeling and analytics. When it’s time for rate sourcing, creating custom bid packages are easy. Our analytics engine also guides changes to your existing TMS to expand cost savings opportunities.

    We are Completely Transforming Logistics

    At RateLinx, we are working to completely transform logistics. By providing actionable data, we help you turn freight from a tactical necessity to a strategic asset through Integrated Shipping IntelligenceSM. Our use of standardized data, advanced analytics and strategy development and testing is unsurpassed.

    RateLinx can create a solution that fits your needs perfectly. Learn more by visiting
