RedPrairie, the worlds leading Consumer driven optimizationcompany, unveiled a comprehensive new Workforce Management Solution and Partner Strategy last week at RedConnect:2006, RedPrairies annual partner conference. RedPrairie has been the undisputed leader in the Labor Management market in terms of experience, functionality, expertise, installed sites, reference customers and total productivity savings delivered to customers for more than 40 years. Now RedPrairie is maintaining its thought leadership and visionary example by transforming its Labor Management solution into a comprehensive Workforce Management suite and practice. This expanded definition and solution scope is yet another significant move forward for RedPrairie customers who will benefit from a Workforce Management solution that encompasses and optimizes all retail and supply chain workforce processes end-to-end. 


    RedPrairies expanded Workforce Management solution suite, consisting of capabilities such as demand planning, schedule optimization, task scheduling, learning management and measurement and compliance, will drive additional productivity for RedPrairie customers and partners. In addition, this redefined solution includes exclusive capabilities such as intra-day workforce planning and an extensive learning management system that strengthen RedPrairies ability to optimize workforces based on real-time consumer demand. By combining its end-to-end (E2e), consumer-driven approach and advanced Workforce Management offering, RedPrairie is providing competitive advantage to its customers and further differentiating itself as the market leader.


    RedPrairie evaluated all aspects of its historical practice and customer requirements in support of its move from Labor Management to an all-encompassing Workforce Management solution.


    Says Tim Conroy, RedPrairies President of Distribution Productivity Solutions, When we challenged conventional thinking and traditional labor management approaches, we found that companies would substantially benefit from a dramatically different, end-to-end approach to workforce management. To support this revolutionary transformation, we sought new, visionary leadership for our Workforce Management Group, including new Sales and Product Marketing professionals capable of embracing rapid change.


    RedPrairie augmented its already industry-leading intellectual capital in workforce management by announcing last week at RedConnect:2006 the appointment of industry veterans Jim Hoefflin as Senior Vice President of its Workforce Management Group, and John Murphy as Vice President of Product Marketing.


    Says Hoefflin, This transformation presents a tremendous opportunity to drive additional value across all of our customer industries. We are leveraging our premier position in the Labor Management market, an incredible pool of tenured talent and intellectual property, our strategic partners, and advanced capabilities from our recent BlueCube acquisition to define a visionary path that expands traditional labor management into Workforce Management.


    RedPrairies robust offering includes its newly acquired advanced scheduling application that, when coupled with RedPrairies Workforce Management solution, is able to factor in known employee productivity levels to drive unprecedented savings and efficiencies, ensuring the right product, the right people, the right time and the right place.


    Hoefflin continues, While our competition struggles to complete their first few labor management implementations, RedPrairie is leveraging its tremendous cumulative success of tens of thousands of installed workforce management sites, decades of proven experience and unrivaled functionality to redefine the market. Our experience is unmatched and our momentum now is such that our competitors can only watch and attempt to understand where RedPrairie and the market  is going.


    He adds, To further accelerate our ability to deliver results, RedPrairie has introduced a new Adaptable Precision model for implementations, allowing us to implement in much shorter timeframes than historically possible. This flexible approach also provides us the ability to leverage our partner community much more aggressively, providing our prospects and customers a wider range of options.


     Considering RedPrairies combination of leading Workforce Management solutions, revolutionary E2e vision, aggressive partner strategy, and excited community of business partners, its clear that RedPrairie has assembled all the ingredients required to lead a complete market shift, Hoefflin concludes.

    About RedPrairie Corporation

    RedPrairie is the worlds leading Consumer driven optimizationSM company.  Built on an advanced Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) developed over the past 10 years, the RedPrairie integrated suite of end-to-end (E2eTM) solutions offers on-demand capabilities to over 25,000 sites worldwide for many of the worlds largest companies. With 21 global service sites and standard service methods that have been validated over the last 30 years, RedPrairie provides unparalleled service and support. For additional information, call 1.877.733.7724, or access .


    RedPrairie, DigitaLogistix and DLx are registered trademarks of RedPrairie Corporation.

    E2e is a trademark and Consumer driven optimization is a service mark of RedPrairie Corporation.

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