The material handling environment is changing and growing at a rapid pace, thanks in no small part to the e-commerce explosion, which means that shippers are facing many challenges that must be mitigated if they wish to remain competitive.
Some of the most pressing issues that must be addressed concern the scarcity of labor in the distribution center as well as the inherent inaccuracy of manual sortation. Both of these factors can have far-reaching effects on a small-parcel operation, especially as it concerns customer satisfaction and loyalty. There is also the need for collecting dimensional weight data in order to better avoid the UPS and FedEx surcharges that were first imposed a few years ago. All of these challenges are driving the increased adoption of automation in the warehouse, and it’s critical that our distribution centers are set up to embrace these new automated solutions. In this sponsored section of PARCEL, some of the leading industry partners share their solutions with you; if any of them stand out, be sure to give them a call and tell them you saw them in PARCEL.
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