July 19 2007
During 2006, more RFID projects moved out of the lab and into production than in all previous years combined. Accordingly, the lessons that are filtering back from those trials have less to do with science... View More
July 17 2007
If you do not manage your companys mailing operations, please pass it along to the mail center manager. Its an event they will want to know about. Plans are underway for the first-ever regional seminar... View More
July 17 2007
Making Money the Old Fashioned Way Most businesses are begun on the premise that great service and great products will win customers. Those customers in turn will provide revenue to build... View More
July 17 2007
Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or by opposing end them. Now our friend Sir William Shakespeare lived in a time where people, businesses and society... View More
June 18 2007
We recently attended the 2007 National Postal Forum where the Postal Service highlighted a vast array of initiatives it has underway to improve service and grow in the US parcel industry. The key take-away... View More
May 15 2007
The current landscape of the mailing industry is changing by the minute. With the postal rate changes coming up on May 14, businesses are turning to third-party mail services providers more and more... View More
April 25 2007
Getting products from Point A to anywhere else requires in the box packaging to protect the contents from damage in transit. Oftentimes, loose fill, such as packing peanuts, is selected because it provides... View More
April 25 2007
There has been a good deal of press in recent months regarding the USPS Rate Case and the impending impact on non-profits and direct marketers. But what about the cost-conscience parcel shipper? The Governors... View More
April 25 2007
I had the opportunity for over three decades to be a peddler of Parcel Services. I can recall one day getting a call from Dick Ward, the corporate traffic manager of Burroughs Corporation, headquartered... View More
April 25 2007
Companies involved with small order logistics (defined as person-portable products and quantities, as well as documents) are now in a position to fundamentally change how they serve customers and operate... View More
April 25 2007
I placed my first catalogue order when I was nine years old. I remember saving my 25 cents-a-week allowance for six weeks to pay the $1.50 shipping and handling charge for the free secret agent decoder... View More
April 25 2007
Editors Note: PARCEL has received many inquiries from readers desiring to know more about the new dimensional weight (Dim Weight) that has recently gone into effect. We sought out two industry experts,... View More
April 25 2007
In this final part of our series on common frustrations shippers experience with their carriers, we will discuss relationships with carrier representatives. Although shippers are generally pleased with... View More
April 25 2007
In part one of this series, we examined the important steps in preparing for a kaizen event. Now, as you start the first day of the kaizen event, there are several rules that must be established to the... View More
April 25 2007
Technology has put the world at our doorsteps. Are you opening that door and stepping through? According to the Small Business Administration, companies engaged in international trade are 20% more productive,... View More
April 24 2007
The concern for sustainability in any country has always first emerged from individuals and non-profit organizations. Next, it has been enforced by governments or communities, becoming a nations concern... View More
April 16 2007
Internet-based shipping services offered by parcel carriers have made it easier and faster for companies to ship parcels in many ways, including creating shipping labels and tracking parcels en route.... View More
April 2 2007
As we go to press, the newly renamed Postal Regulatory Commission has made its final recommendations for the 2007 rates, which are expected to go into effect in early May. In December, the sweeping Postal... View More
March 22 2007
We are all aware of the complexities encountered when integrating new software into our workplace environment, but at the same time we understand that the benefits new systems can provide sometimes far... View More
Feb. 22 2007
In the last three years, transportation costs have gone up 23% and order-to-delivery cycle times have decreased by 31%, according to a GMA 2005 Logistics Survey. These trends and higher expectations from... View More
