Feb. 23 2023
FREE SHIPPING. As consumers, we all want it and have come to expect it when shopping online – but as a retailer, you know better than anyone, “free shipping” is certainly not free.... View More
Feb. 22 2023
In the November/December 2022 issue of Parcel Counsel, we looked at the landmark case Hadley v. Baxendale. That column focused on consequential damages as opposed to actual damages. This begs... View More
Feb. 13 2023
Small businesses navigated a choppy and challenging 2022 by being nimble, creative, and disciplined. They will need each of these skills plus a little luck to succeed in what is likely to be a choppy... View More
Feb. 13 2023
Congratulations! You made it through one more year. Hopefully, you are not kickstarting 2023 by kicking the can down the proverbial distribution row. There are distribution and supply chain ma... View More
Feb. 13 2023
CHICAGO, Feb. 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- GLS, a global leader in Parcel and Freight transportation, and Tusk Logistics, a shipping platform led by former Google, ShipBob, and Shippo found... View More
Feb. 10 2023
In our November/December issue, we covered the importance of being properly insured with respect to your parcel shipments. We profiled three solution providers who could be the answer you're looking... View More
Feb. 10 2023
Urban areas are densely populated, negatively impacting delivery efficiency due to traffic and parking limitations. In fact, in New York City, 2019, FedEx paid $9.8 million for 146,019 pa... View More
Feb. 8 2023
In our January/February issue, we ran some highlights from Morgan Stanley's most recent Freight Pulse Shipper Survey. Space prevented us from running more than a few snippets, but you can see the ful... View More
Feb. 8 2023
A muted holiday season is expected as the National Retail Federation (NRF) forecasts retail sales to grow between six and eight percent over 2021 to between $942.6 billion and $960.4 billion... View More
Feb. 6 2023
Client-facing features of trucking technologies such as self-serve portals, customer apps, contextual live chats, and more have become necessary facets of the sales engine for carriers and bro... View More
Feb. 6 2023
Smart shippers need every ounce of help in today’s rising rate environment. Choosing the right warehouse network keeps you in the game and beats the competition. Warehouse networks are coll... View More
Feb. 2 2023
Provo, UT (January 31, 2023) Enveyo, the leading provider of logistics data management, visibility, and shipping optimization software, today announced that GEODIS, a world leader in transport... View More
Feb. 2 2023
If you’re like most shippers, you feel your FedEx and UPS discounts are good, but very likely improvable. But how can you know if they’re great – or terrible – if you can’t
Feb. 2 2023
Much has been made of the good and bad changes at FedEx. And rightly so. But it's not like the waters have been calm at the brown giant. Peak Surcharges by Any Other Name . . . Whe... View More
Feb. 1 2023
In our November/December, 2022 issue, we profiled some of the consultants in the parcel sector. If your new year's resolution is to add a consultant to the mix, check out the companies highlighted he... View More
Jan. 31 2023
LAS VEGAS, Jan. 31, 2023 – Logiwa, the leading cloud fulfillment platform for high-volume direct-to-consumer (DTC) businesses, announced the launch of a new strategic partnership with... View More
Jan. 30 2023
Buckle up, folks. 2023 is shaping up to be an especially eventful year in the parcel industry. Economic conditions continue to drive industry change, and both FedEx and UPS are facing unique challenge
Jan. 27 2023
Latest reports show package thefts rose by 87 percent last month and more than 260 million packages were lost to theft at a cost of $19.5bn to the consumer. According to research, North Dakota... View More
Jan. 25 2023
Shipping has become more important than ever as supply chain woes persist and e-commerce’s dominance grows. Amid this shift, businesses across many sectors must watch developing packaging in... View More
Jan. 23 2023
New Year’s resolutions often begin with reflection. Last fall, our data scientists created a model that combined the 5.9% general rate increase (GRI) for 2022 announced by FedEx and UPS with... View More

