In basic terms, the standardized (and ultra-frank) formula for negotiating contracts is this: Company A wants to renegotiate its carrier agreement. Company A compares its basic shipping profi... View More
Over the past decade, UPS & FedEx have increased their Ground tariff rates 54.9% and their Air tariffs 61.8-66.1%. Those aren’t exactly small numbers. Adding insult to injury... View More
For those of you who don’t remember Andy Rooney, he was the curmudgeon who appeared on CBS News’ 60 Minutes segment “A Few Minutes with Andy Rooney” that ran from 1978 to 2011.... View More
Each year, as the leaves begin to change and the holidays approach, ads for online shopping and massive sales begin to invade of our email inboxes and take over television commercials. Yet, many... View More
Why CFOs must challenge vendors to bring problem-solving ideas to the table.[1] “As chief financial officers move beyond traditional roles, many are finding that vendor selection is becoming... View More
With the holiday season quickly approaching, companies who ship packages will have one more thing to add to their plate: The United States Postal... View More
Over the next two months, shippers will see massive increases in the number of parcels they handle. Orchestrating the delivery of parcels around the globe is no easy feat and delivery failures a... View More
Apparently, UPS didn’t like drop shipping. But, since they’ve recently figured out a way to drive additional revenue from every company that uses UPS to drop ship anything, UPS will now love
Today cloud technology is transforming every area of business and transportation management is no exception. Together with SaaS model pricing, cloud technology has dramatically changed the... View More
One of the most common challenges I hear from volume parcel shippers is that they don’t know how good – or bad – are the incentives, terms and structure of their carrier pricing agreemen
The concept of employing dimensional weight was originally conceived by the parcel industry to effectively price the cargo space on planes for air services. In 2007, the major parcel carriers expanded... View More
Picture this: you walk into a department store and you see the price tag on various items you want to purchase; but you have no idea what you'll actually end up paying at the register because sales tax... View More
The growth of e-commerce has been meteoric, and the trend lines keep pointing up. Forrester Research is forecasting that by 2018 total e-commerce sales will approach $415 billion. That means in just three... View More
Simple, automated order fulfillment technology not only improves service levels, but also pays for itself in a short period of time, less than two years in many cases... View More
Today's consumers want instant satisfaction. People want to know if the item they choose is available, where it's coming from and how quickly they can get it. This puts a lot of pressure on retailers,... View More
"Are you ready for the holidays?" It's a question people commonly hear once December arrives. But for today's retailers and their logistics partners, that question needs to be asked, and answered, well... View More
We've all had this happen - we get a great coupon for a product we love. Almost free! Who can pass that up? Then we read the fine print - only valid on this product, on this day, during this hour. Gotcha!... View More