By historical standards, the recent surge in both the volume and variety of industrial automation solutions is unprecedented, and it continues to accelerate. Nowhere is this more evident than in the w
In my article in the July/August 2021 issue of PARCEL (“Is It Time to Move to a New Warehouse?”), I explained how you can determine whether it might make sense to move your fulfillment ope
Perhaps your business completed a comprehensive logistics network study years ago when you determined the location and design of your current warehouse and selected or constructed your buildin... View More
In a previous article (“To 3PL, or Not to 3PL?”, in the January/February 2020 issue of PARCEL) I wrote about some of the high-level pros and cons of outsourcing your logistics operations... View More
These are trying times. COVID-19 has considerably affected every one of us, and most of us believe it will change the world forever. The supply chain industry, along with all other major industries, i
All of us make decisions about what tasks we are willing to do ourselves and what tasks we would rather hire someone else to do for us. Should we mow our own lawns, clean our own houses, change the oi
In our personal lives, it can be uncomfortable to answer the scary “what if?” questions about our cars, our homes, our health, and our lives themselves. But with respect to Murphy’s... View More