Aug. 8 2006
DDU delivery. You�ve heard about it. It has been advertised as both a strategic advantage and a means to cost savings. You probably have more questions than answers: What is it? Who benefits from DDU delivery?... View More
Aug. 8 2006
If you took a ride along with your parcel, where do you think the bottlenecks might occur? If you answer at the sortation hubs, you would be right. And that�s just why the United States Postal Service... View More
Aug. 8 2006
Ben Franklin once said, �In this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes.� But I think we can also be certain that small parcel carriers will increase their rates every year. While UPS, FedEx and... View More
Aug. 8 2006
I am in a unique position of meeting thousands of shippers. And here�s what I like best about my job: I get to visit companies, big and small, and see how they use package management technology to improve... View More
Aug. 8 2006
When a company is built on relationships with small, individually owned companies, those relationships are not to be forgotten, even in an age of massive everything. And Jim VanderMeer and his colleagues... View More
Aug. 8 2006
Few things have transformed the international value chain more than advances in information technology (IT). The development of high-speed, low-cost electronic applications have changed the way we do business.... View More
Aug. 8 2006
Most people are familiar with barcode-based solutions offered by carriers for tracking parcels. These barcode solutions provide visibility when parcels (or containers) are scanned along their journey.... View More
Aug. 8 2006
Sometimes its the little things that make a big difference. Or, perhaps, another saying describes it best: out of sight, out of mind. Regardless of the phrase, logistics professionals dont always look... View More
Aug. 8 2006
You know the saying: It�s the greatest invention since sliced bread! Well, in Postal circles, the saying may go: It�s the greatest invention since the postage meter! But in the future, the saying may go:... View More
Aug. 8 2006
Package shippers are always looking for improved service and reduced cost. An emerging dual-carrier model wherein shippers add U.S. Postal Service products as an alternative to their existing commercial... View More
Aug. 8 2006
The transportation industry is highly competitive. Often shippers have had to choose between partnering with a carrier that offered deep discounts or one that provided sophisticated tracking. That choice... View More
Aug. 8 2006
Online sales have seen incredible growth over the past five years. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, e-commerce sales were at $19.8 billion for the first quarter of 2005, up nearly 400% from the first... View More
Aug. 8 2006
Whats the worst thing that can happen to your computer? Worse than a hard disk crash, virus infection, spam assault, denial-of-service attack, hacker takeover, fire, flood or other human, mechanical, or... View More
Aug. 8 2006
Ask anyone who manages a warehouse or a distribution center and they�ll surely tell you, �If it can�t be measured, it can�t be managed.� With accurate dimensional and weight information available, warehouse... View More
Aug. 8 2006
A dramatically transformed and expanded program of workshops, symposiums and special speakers will be the hallmark of the 2004 National Postal Forum. One of the new features for package shippers will be... View More
Aug. 8 2006
Welcome to the golden age of shipping and mailing. The U.S. Postal Service is taking dynamic new approaches to the way it does business, creating alliances with carriers and using new online tools for... View More
Aug. 8 2006
Are you fully aware of the Four Parcel Package Myths? Learn these secrets and you can start saving up to 420% of your freight costs. Slashing costs is a constant for business owners � always has... View More
Aug. 8 2006
The second annual Parcel Shipping & Distribution Forum will take place October 4-6, 2004 at the Radisson O�Hare Hotel located in Rosemont, Illinois. This year�s theme, �Putting the Pieces to Your Small... View More
Aug. 8 2006
It goes without saying: A happy customer is a repeat customer. Nowhere is this more true than for high-growth Internet sales. But the hitch in the system is product returns. Returns are time-consuming... View More
Aug. 8 2006
To business shippers and consumers alike, the U.S. Postal Service Priority Mail services keep getting better with age. Priority Mail, a popular two- to three- day service, launched some 25 years ago, is... View More
