Aug. 16 2019
Packaging is no longer viewed as simply the container you use to get your shipment from Point A to Point B. Now, there are multiple considerations to take into account, with consumer loyalty and satis
Aug. 14 2019
In this installment of PARCEL Counsel, we will look at the relationships between a seller (consignor) and a buyer (consignee). While the exact nature of the contractual arrangements between buyers and
Aug. 12 2019
Consumer research for packaging mostly falls into research done in a lab or store environment, but we’ve been tasked with more and more e-commerce work over the past two years. Usually, we�... View More
Aug. 7 2019
The e-commerce landscape is radically changing, especially when it comes to defining the new normal for parcel delivery. Retailers specializing in larger, non-conventional items are accustomed... View More
Aug. 5 2019
When you’re a small business in a big business world, the challenge of competing with the seemingly infinite resources of larger competitors can seem insurmountable. Companies like Amazon... View More
July 29 2019
Retail packaging experts at Package Insight (Clemson University) conducted a study exploring the effects of four different interior packaging materials on consumer perception and appreciation... View More
July 26 2019
While shipping may seem simple to customers (or even company executives), shipping managers know that it’s anything but. Much more goes into shipping than simply getting the order from the war... View More
July 24 2019
Talking about regional carriers, we really think of two modes: parcel and LTL. On the parcel side, the two national giants (FedEx and UPS) have really done a good job of limiting the parcel carriers... View More
July 22 2019
Today’s retail landscape is more competitive than ever. Small- and medium-sized businesses don’t only compete with much larger brands; they compete with the thousands of similar-sized busine
July 18 2019
The global e-commerce world is in an outright battle to find the lowest delivery cost solution to compete with Amazon. Their free, two-day delivery has been a disruptive trend for all merchants. Howev
July 15 2019
E-commerce is the buying and selling of goods over the Internet, and market research experts such as Euromonitor believe that it will make up 14% of all global shopping sales made by 2021. From the on
July 11 2019
Amazon Prime and the guarantee of two-day delivery has completely changed consumer expectations when it comes to home delivery. Shoppers today expect a level of clarity and transparency into... View More
July 10 2019
The news of Amazon’s next-day delivery took 2019 by storm. What followed was a flurry of successive similar announcements by other retail giants. E-commerce business owners and retailers... View More
July 8 2019
An efficient supply chain is one that meets customer expectations in a cost-effective manner. With two-day delivery (or less) becoming the retail standard for customers, balancing cost and customer se
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June 26 2019
Same-day delivery no longer belongs to consumer retailers and grocers. Since the inception of Prime, the Amazon disruption has created an environment where both business buyers and individual cu... View More
June 24 2019
The rise in parcel and direct-to-consumer shipping has disrupted warehouse operations, increasing labor costs and value-added services. The continued growth in e-commerce sales, which totaled $5... View More
June 19 2019
Raise your hand if you’ve watched a recent episode of Netflix’s Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. Launched earlier this year, it chronicles the de-cluttering journey of several families who have... View More
June 14 2019
Ninety percent of world trade is transported by ocean vessels. However, according to industry estimates, just one container ship can produce the same amount of pollution as 50 million cars. The... View More
June 12 2019
Despite the pre-eminence of UPS, FedEx, and USPS, regional carriers can play a substantial role in maximizing the efficiency of a small-parcel supply chain. Sourcing relationships with these carriers... View More
June 10 2019
Do you feel as though your workday is consumed by always putting out fires? Some people thrive on this kind of environment (and more power to them), but most of us will eventually get tired of t... View More
