April 5 2018
Last month, we published part one of a two-part series on the top enterprise labeling trends affecting the supply chain. This month, we'll take a look at the role analytics and cloud technology play... View More
lightbulb and gears
April 4 2018
With Amazon’s recent announcement of Shipping with Amazon, in which the company will pick up and ship packages to customers (effectively removing the need for third-party carriers), there’s
April 3 2018
Across the materials handling industry, labor costs frequently comprise as much as 50% of the expenses at any individual warehouse. The industry is labor-intensive by nature... View More
March 29 2018
Imagine ordering a new computer or buying a set of golf clubs in the morning. And it arrives at your house two hours later. That’s same-day delivery, and it has the power to shift the last-mile... View More
March 27 2018
We all know that the e-commerce industry is booming. And why wouldn't it be? The convenience of shopping from home and having your purchases delivered to your doorstep is unparalelled. But, ther... View More
March 21 2018
With new technology constantly emerging to enhance the overall retail experience, customer expectations continue to rise. The typical online shopping process has improved in almost all phases, causing
March 15 2018
In every bid event, you want to make sure you have all your bases covered and are setting yourself up for a great relationship with your carrier over the life of the contract. Fully understandin... View More
man holding boxes
March 13 2018
The booming trend of e-commerce shopping continues to grow, and not just in massive sales, but also in the actual size of products available. Sales of non-traditional, bulky items are now accessible f
March 9 2018
Globalization and digital technologies are changing businesses, especially as companies look to find new ways to amplify growth and expand into new markets. To do this, companies must create efficienc
Feb. 28 2018
When businesses like yours review their parcel shipping expenditures for this calendar year, fewer than one-third of you who ship $100,000 or more with UPS and FedEx annually can expect to beat... View More
2017 to 18
Feb. 26 2018
Whew! You made it through the holiday rush. Many companies do 80% of their volumes during the three-month holiday period. Even if you are not one of those companies, you may have seen an increas... View More
futuristic city
Feb. 21 2018
In the last installment of PARCEL Counsel, we explored the legal characteristics of UPS and FedEx. While researching for that installment, I was reminded of the origin of UPS, which I would like to sh
stairs broken
Feb. 19 2018
Anyone who shops online has had this experience: A big parcel carrier truck pulls up to your house, spewing CO2. They drop a large package on your porch. You open it up only to find the tiny pro... View More
box on porch
Feb. 14 2018
This was a successful and challenging peak season. Most volumes have exceeded projections, which has put pressure on the carriers to meet their customers’ delivery expectations. However, there is... View More
hand off box
Feb. 12 2018
The provider that offers the fastest last-mile service wins the race, right? Think again! It’s all about customer service. Defining “customer service” often depends on your own business,... View More
gears and peopel
Feb. 8 2018
The proliferation of ride-sharing platforms and on-demand delivery services poses a serious question to the parcel delivery industry: Can a similar crowdsourcing model be harnessed for final-mile dist
Feb. 6 2018
It seems as if Mother Nature is having its way with the supply chain industry lately. While the mighty river of the “Amazon effect” is a disruptive element in creating new levels of customer... View More
Feb. 5 2018
The e-commerce supply chain, for all its sophistication, is a violent place if you are a carton that must get from point A to Point B. You are handled by many people who may throw you around without m
Feb. 1 2018
As a result of the ongoing rise in e-commerce and the growth of Amazon Prime (which has an estimated 80 million US members), today’s online shoppers have very different expectations when it comes... View More
Jan. 30 2018
In Morgan Stanley's latest survey, which they kindly allow PARCEL to share with our readers, shippers' view of the economy jumped to the highest level seen in the 15-year history of the survey... View More
