Sept. 8 2017
In the shipping world, it is no longer just about getting a product from point A to point B the fastest. Carriers are becoming a resource for shippers, offering more services in different... View More
Sept. 7 2017
There is no question that in its early days, the development of Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) was driven by innovations in dedicated scanning hardware. However, in more recent... View More
Sept. 7 2017
Most parcel and LTL shippers identify fast order fulfillment (... View More
Sept. 7 2017
“The process is broken!” “What is the problem?” “Can we do it better?” “Because we have always done it this way.” These might be some common phrases used... View More
Sept. 7 2017
Dozens, if not hundreds, of articles have been published on contract negotiation: the dos, the don’ts, benchmarking, cost basis negotiations, and so on. While these tips are certainly valuable and... View More
Sept. 6 2017
Free shipping has become the bane of many an online retailer’s existence. Thanks to marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, Etsy and others, the majority of consumers expect to be offered free, or... View More
Sept. 6 2017
Part one of this series looked at how managing inbound parcels has become a growing challenge for organizations of all sizes. This challenge comes from the dramatic increase in the volume of inbo... View More
Sept. 6 2017
When UPS first announced Peak Surcharges in June, the carrier promised to publish an updated 2017 Rate and Service Guide on September 1. That day has arrived and UPS has delivered, so to speak. So, w
Sept. 5 2017
Editor's Note: At first glance, this topic of political discourse seems far removed from the small-shipment industry. However, industry expert Dan Moll will be presenting a session at the 2017 PARCEL... View More
Sept. 5 2017
We at PARCEL are grateful to Morgan Stanley for allowing us to share these results with our readers. A portion of these results were published in the September/October issue; here are the full s... View More
Sept. 5 2017
A customized solution is only valuable when coupled with reliable service you can count on and an answer that doesn’t break the budget. U.S. Cargo is built on the idea of creating flexib... View More
Sept. 5 2017
For many retailers, the packing arena is a battleground they face every day. Not only do they want their packaging to stand out among the millions of parcels being shipped daily, but they also w... View More
Sept. 5 2017
Before e-commerce sales consumed 8.5% of retail sales, warehousing could be a much simpler affair for many companies. You would bring products in by the truckload, store them until orders were p... View More
Aug. 31 2017
This article originally appeared in our July/August issue If UPS and FedEx follow their 2017 timelines, general rate increase (GRI) announcements for 2018 are on the horizon. No matter when they are announced,... View More
Aug. 23 2017
Free, fast, and all-inclusive. Those words sum up the challenges for those in the final-mile space. Shifts in shipper and consumer expectations have changed the whole landscape for carriers in t... View More
Aug. 18 2017
If you are a small- or medium-size business (SMB), do you feel like you are spending too much on shipping? Most likely, you are. Many large shippers carry enough clout to negotiate with the larg... View More
Aug. 17 2017
Freight charges can represent up to 10% of a company's total costs. Fuel surcharges and fees drive that cost even higher, and we trust that what our contract says is what our invoice hears. In... View More
Aug. 16 2017
Did you celebrate the beginning of summer by ordering patio furniture online? Chances are, someone had to pay heavy surcharges on top of the regular delivery charge as more consumers order large items
Aug. 15 2017
The shipping game is a deceptively tech-driven one. It’s easy for the word “shipping” to bring to mind images of packages, boxes, delivery trucks; they are pretty well-ingrained stereotype
Aug. 11 2017
In the November-December 2016 issue of PARCEL, we took another look at the first rule of contracting: Know with Whom You Are Dealing. In this installment of PARCEL Counsel, we will revisit my si... View More
