Aug. 8 2018
Have you ever wondered what consultants look for when they come in and audit your facility to suggest better processes? Much like the game when you were a child, the consultant looks at your operation
Aug. 7 2018
In our instant-everything world, customers want orders ASAP and at the lowest cost possible. This is becoming increasingly harder to do as parcel growth is expected to continue rising 17 to 28 p... View More
Aug. 7 2018
You know what’s easy? Setting up an eCommerce web store. Shopify has 500,000 merchants, a number that’s grown 74 percent per year over the last five years, according to a January 2018 article... View More
Aug. 7 2018
Ah, packaging. Remember the good old days, when as long as a product was protected in its box, it didn’t really matter what the packaging looked like? How things have changed! Now, not only does... View More
Aug. 7 2018
The material handling environment is changing and growing at a rapid pace, thanks in no small part to the e-commerce explosion, which means that shippers are facing many challenges that must be mitiga
Aug. 6 2018
Remember the shopping experience of old? Make yourself presentable, get in the car, drive to multiple locations – maybe even try on a few things, and then make your way to a line of people waiting... View More
Aug. 2 2018
No matter if you’re a small business or a Fortune 500 company, workflow management and employee productivity top the list of things to improve. And sometimes that means cutting processes, hirin... View More
Aug. 1 2018
Our company has a customer that is one of the most successful retailers of sporting goods equipment in the world. This particular company was started by a young entrepreneur who started selling ski eq
July 30 2018
For most shippers, negotiating with carriers can be intimidating. Whether it’s your first time at the table or you’re a seasoned veteran, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. The carriers are... View More
July 23 2018
In the world of packaging, size definitely matters. Given the variables at play and the ever-changing, ever-increasing UPS and FedEx surcharges, this can be a very frustrating side effect of small-par
July 16 2018
During the holiday season, there is always a mad dash by retailers to have the best promotions to lure in customers. In more recent years, that opportunity has moved more and more towards e-commerce a
July 9 2018
Going up against mega online retailers can be a daunting prospect for brick-and-mortar shops that can’t easily slash prices or eat the cost of free shipping, but being a little fish in the giant... View More
July 4 2018
This article originally appeared in the March/April, 2018 issue of PARCEL.In the last installment of PARCEL Counsel — “Back to the Future: UPS and Last-Mile Delivery” — we saw how... View More
July 2 2018
Surveys show that market intelligence and benchmarking are the most valuable assets a shipper can have going into a transportation negotiation process. The information below will address how shippers
June 27 2018
I often find myself explaining the importance of separating various cost reduction strategies. It is common for shippers to reference one or two cost reduction strategies and insinuate or assume that... View More
June 25 2018
When you think about what type of packaging is needed to protect items during shipment, it’s a good bet that you factor in cost and, potentially, labor productivity. Without question, these are impo
June 20 2018
It's easy to understand why parcel shippers might want to use a regional carrier; they usually offer flexible pickup windows, faster transit times, and lower transportation and accessorial cost. And... View More
2017 to 18
June 18 2018
Times are changing. There are innovative technologies, new demands, and more significant expectations from clients — and everything that is new can be a challenge for a warehouse manager. This year
lightbulb and gears
June 14 2018
It’s no surprise that Amazon is today’s e-commerce leader. In fact, according to data from One Click Retail, Amazon was responsible for about 44% of all US e-commerce sales in 2017. Many attribute
kitchen table
June 13 2018
Have you ever had one of those “a-ha!” ideas? Perhaps there was a cool summer night when you were sitting around a campfire, and you came up with an idea to make a widget that would solve a... View More
