Sept. 28 2016
We have all heard that knowledge is power. This could not be truer when it comes to managing your transportation expense. In today’s world, the carriers have made it difficult for shippers to... View More
risk management
Sept. 26 2016
In 1970, crew members of the endangered Apollo 13 became overnight heroes when they safely reached home despite not reaching the moon. Today their failed mission is regarded as one of NASA’s f... View More
Sept. 23 2016
Inefficiencies in barcode label printing can decrease a company’s throughput, resulting in customer dissatisfaction, delays, missed deadlines, fines, and ultimately a significant impact to overall... View More
Sept. 21 2016
As the e-commerce world continues to erode market share from the brick and mortar retailers, I believe there will be a saturation point. I recently had a personal experience of how these two wor... View More
Sept. 20 2016
What is Distribution Network Planning? This is a strategic plan that incorporates how many facilities you want to have, what your inventory and logistics strategies are, as well as makes certain... View More
Sept. 19 2016
The trend of shifting inbound from the procurement department to transportation managers in order to blend inbound and outbound into your contract can inherently create savings. But we cann... View More
add to basket
Sept. 16 2016
The small parcel market is growing its market share every year. Why? Because everything is trending toward a direct-to-consumer (B2C) model. You’ve already noticed once-crowded malls closing s... View More
Sept. 15 2016
Ready or not, here’s comes peak. And with peak comes the inevitable concerns about late deliveries and upgraded (and expensive) service levels. Now is the perfect time to examine what lessons... View More
Sept. 15 2016
Compared to just a few years ago, there’s a world of difference, literally, in how organizations operate today. Businesses and institutions are increasingly engaged in shipping beyond their na... View More
chess piece
Sept. 14 2016
Technology has revolutionized how we shop. Fifty years ago, discounters and department stores ruled retailing. Wal-Mart, big box retailers, and specialty stores reinvented retailing. Where there... View More
Sept. 13 2016
Speed, flexibility, and reliability are the differentiators in today’s small parcel environment, and technology is changing the competitive landscape. The explosion of e-commerce, combined wit... View More
Sept. 12 2016
Understanding how different classes of inventory move through the order picking/order fulfillment process is critical to designing a system that is accurate and efficient while meeting business... View More
Sept. 8 2016
United Parcel Service (UPS) surprised a lot of us last week with an early announcement on 2017 rate increases. Though the teaser was a couple months earlier than expected, it shouldn’t have shocked
Sept. 7 2016
On July 14, 2016, the National Motor Freight Traffic Association (NMFTA) issued a supplement to the National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC) to become effective on August 13, 2016. The gist... View More
Sept. 6 2016
Order picking in most distribution centers is where the highest concentration of people are located, which creates the highest cost area of the warehouse. The pressure will heat up in most distr... View More
Sept. 6 2016
It’s an exciting time in the parcel delivery business with new solutions and business models popping up by the minute, it seems. What will parcel delivery look like in the future? Will deliver... View More
Sept. 1 2016
From rates.ups.com: Effective December 26, 2016*, the published rates for our services will increase. This supports the ongoing investments we continue to make in the speed, scope and cover... View More
Sept. 1 2016
Are you sabotaging your transportation and logistics negotiations? The answer might surprise you... View More
Aug. 30 2016
Editor’s note: This article is part of a three-part series on A Day in the Life of a Parcel. Parts one and two discussed several innovations in the early stages of the parcel lifecycle, includ... View More
Aug. 27 2016
There are a number of excellent reasons employers hire temporary workers (temps). “But Mom, everyone else does it.” On the other hand, if you’re looking for more specific and persuasive... View More
