July 25 2006
Since 1999, the Los Angeles County Department of Public and Social Services (DPSS) has invested $1.6 million in installing new mailing systems from Neopost at each of its 65 facilities. The results include... View More
July 25 2006
In the 1990s, clients were sold on the business concept of return on investment (ROI). Unfortunately, this left clients feeling they had to pay a significant up-front investment and then wait for a potential... View More
July 25 2006
Parcel Shipping & Distribution has been conducting the Annual Best Practice Survey for the past six years. This year, we are pleased that Morgan Stanley, a global financial services firm and a market leader... View More
July 24 2006
The word �outsourcing� surely rings many bells. With the beginning of the deregulation era in transportation in 1996, companies underscored their efforts to streamline operations and focus on what they... View More
July 24 2006
If you think you were challenged in the past to deliver high-quality service each and every day, think again! Its even tougher now. The distribution of documents, both physically and electronically, is... View More
July 24 2006
Probably one of the most important roles of any senior manager is to closely watch capital budgets. Inevitably, once the budgets are submitted for a fiscal period, management is committed to �stay the... View More
July 24 2006
In some ways, the 1999 Best Practice Survey raises more questions than it answers, but in most ways, it offers some solid insights into the overall operations of our readers who responded. Note in some... View More
July 24 2006
Supply chain strategies and management have, of course, always been a vital part of any manufacturers or distributors profit picture. Despite this obvious fact, until recently they were generally left... View More
July 24 2006
It wasnt long after the ball dropped in Times Square on New Years Eve that United Parcel Service dropped the hammer on its customers with a January 7 rate increase. Whats that, you ask, didnt the annual... View More
July 24 2006
The great majority of problems that occur in the distribution cycle are directly related to human error, negligent omissions or just plain lack of knowledge and training. Mistakes and accidents in the... View More
July 24 2006
OK, so business is picking up, or maybe your business is coming into its busy time of the year. Either way, you realize you dont have enough man power to handle the increased volume. So what to do? Hire... View More
July 24 2006
With companies continually streamlining their operations to squeeze out every bit of efficiency and productivity, it is increasingly important to minimize employee idle time as well as regulate overtime.... View More
July 24 2006
Ergonomics: The study of the interface (or interaction) between humans and the objects they use and the environments in which they function. The definition of ergonomics is one thing but the benefits... View More
July 24 2006
Often, people will make comments about how critical their work is to a company. Well, theyre right! Everyone within a firm is a critical component of keeping and main-taining clients. Shipping and distribution... View More
July 24 2006
The Request For Proposal (RFP) is a terrific concept. In theory, a single document allows buyers to interview multiple suppliers, communicate service requirements, select a best value provider, hit departmental... View More
July 24 2006
While today�s cost-conscious businesses have reinvented just about everything from the manufacturing plant to the retail store, many have yet to truly analyze the significant cost of moving materials across... View More
July 24 2006
Congratulations! You�ve just landed your first big customer! No more selling to just the �mom-and-pop� stores � this is really going to give your product national exposure and take you to the big time.... View More
July 24 2006
The last few months have seen some dramatic changes in the shipping industry. Former competitors like the U.S. Postal Service and FedEx are launching joint ventures. UPS is announcing several significant... View More
July 24 2006
If you use UPS to service your business, your rates increased on January 6th significantly! UPS press release announcing the new rates contained exactly two sentences pertaining to the actual impact to... View More
July 24 2006
In the October issue, we unveiled Part 1 of the annual Parcel Shipping & Distribution Best Practice Survey results. We delved into what impact the economy was having on the relationship between parcel... View More
