July 24 2006
In the October issue, we unveiled Part 1 of the annual Parcel Shipping & Distribution Best Practice Survey results. We delved into what impact the economy was having on the relationship between parcel... View More
July 24 2006
To kick off my presentation at a recent conference on business continuity, I called for a volunteer from the audience. A man at the back of the room stood and moved into the center aisle. I beckoned for... View More
July 24 2006
Discussions of efficiency in the workplace often focus on saving time or at least not wasting it. And thats a fine place to start, but simple algebra shows its not enough. Once you recall the basic axiom... View More
July 24 2006
Financial transactions can now be conducted in the blink of an eye. But the technology that has made us so efficient is also raising serious privacy concerns. The media is flooded with stories of businesses... View More
July 24 2006
So its been nearly six months since the close of the (drum roll).... second ever holiday online shopping season. How did the parcel industry do? Were we able to overcome the problems of 1999? Will the... View More
July 24 2006
Parcel shipping usually has only one objective: Just get it there. If the package is on time, shippers are happy. On a per-pound basis, parcel shipping is the most expensive method of shipping.... View More
July 24 2006
Do you put extra stamps on your envelopes with the hope they�ll arrive faster? Would you knowingly spend $25 to send a package that would have arrived a day earlier for only $5? Sometimes, you do get what... View More
July 24 2006
Congratulations! Since youve done such a good job with the Boston operation, were now putting you in charge of the New York and New Jersey operations as well. Despite the positive tone in my bosss... View More
July 24 2006
Women in Packaging, Inc. (WMPKG) packages the people, not the products. As a nonprofit, professional association dedicated to increasing the growth and professional development of packaging professionals,... View More
July 24 2006
Ever wonder how certain universally accepted sizes, practices or specifications got to be universally accepted? It didn�t just happen by coincidence. In the world of distribution, universal applications... View More
July 24 2006
The fulfillment and distribution reality check that struck the direct marketing industry in the last year has come full-circle. Its not enough to provide customers exceptional service in getting packages... View More
July 21 2006
While we started to see the impact the economy was having on the parcel shipping industry in last year�s survey outcome, the impact is even more pronounced in this, our seventh year of analyzing the results... View More
July 21 2006
Parcel fraud is one of the biggest and most disregarded crimes in American business today. With an estimated $400 billion in losses per year due to employee theft, parcel fraud should not be overlooked,... View More
July 21 2006
Webster defines the word �reasonable� as: a) being in accordance with reason (a reasonable theory); b) not extreme or excessive (reasonable requests); or c) moderate, fair (a reasonable chance, a reasonable... View More
July 21 2006
Each year I talk with hundreds of people just like you as I travel around our great country. Our best clients are those companies that have strong leaders in the distribution and logistics departments... View More
July 21 2006
Editor�s Note: Johanna Boller will be presenting at the annual Parcel Shipping & Distribution Forum (see page 23). As a prelude to her session, �What Every Shipping Manager Needs to Know for Success in... View More
July 21 2006
If you have a Web site, you want people to find it. If it�s a business site used to promote or sell products or services, the life of your business may depend on whether your site shows up in the first... View More
