May 8 2012
Do you need more market intelligence? If you don’t have the information you need to justify your company’s overall shipping expense, you do. To justify your shipping expense, you need data... View More
May 8 2012
Maybe it’s just a bias I have, but the supply chain and logistics field seems to be a hotbed of innovation at the moment. Every day we see new innovations in process improvement, operational efficiencies,... View More
May 4 2012
On Thursday, April 26, 2012 UPS released the results of their first quarter. The subtitle reads, "U.S. Domestic and Supply Chain & Freight Segments Post Double-Digit Gains in Operating Income." Corporate... View More
April 19 2012
Unless you're the most avid of sports fans, you have probably never heard of David Falk. Listed among the "100 Most Powerful People in Sports" for 12 straight years from 1990 to 2001 by The Sporting... View More
April 10 2012
Garbage in, Garbage out (GIGO) became part of our nomenclature when information technology became more and more important to running a modern business. You may remember that if the data input was poor,... View More
April 10 2012
Statistics tell us that Canada is our biggest trading partner. Yet, and sadly enough, thousands of US companies are not aware of that fact and, worse, not many have heard of the advantage NAFTA brings... View More
April 10 2012
While I am generally involved in deploying solutions for large shipping operations, I was recently impressed with some significant numbers that were achieved by employing improvements in ‘non-production’... View More
April 10 2012
There are times when a single word can completely change the meaning of an expression. Just look at Greta Garbo, whose misquote, “I want to be alone,” was repeated so often (and was so off-base)... View More
April 10 2012
It is a common question heard throughout the parcel industry: Should I single source or dual source my network? The reality in today’s shipping environment is that the vast majority of shippers have... View More
April 10 2012
In the course of a given week, I speak to a handful of our clients and invariably, I find one common theme that separates exceptional shipping departments from their average counterparts. Simply put, the... View More
April 2 2012
Today there is too much focus on analytics, technology, and software as the answers to management problems. Many experts will tell you that systems dictate process rather than support process. Many experts... View More
March 30 2012
When technology manufacturers’ backs are up against the wall, like other manufacturers, they have a natural tendency to focus on things like cutbacks and cost savings, and to make things like product... View More
March 30 2012
Hi, I’m a piece of plastic born in an industrial town in central China. In a very short time, I was put together with a bunch of other parts to become this electronic thing. After I was 30 days old,... View More
March 30 2012
On Thursday, March 22, 2012 FedEx published results and held a financial analysts conference call to discuss their fiscal third quarter. The subtitle on the release reads, “FedEx Ground Operating... View More
March 30 2012
People are always trying to find ways to cut cost in the shipping department without sacrificing the integrity of their shipments. Some items come from the manufacturer ready to ship. These items come... View More
March 5 2012
Customers, not available inventory, determine demand. Tompkins International’s new paper, Demand-Driven Supply Chains: Getting It Right For True Value, shares strategies for companies to respond... View More
March 5 2012
Last month in Part One of this article we examined options for keeping your own position functioning when you are unable to do so yourself. Today we'll look at some ways to insure yourself against the... View More
March 5 2012
Last month in Part One of this article we examined options for keeping your own position functioning when you are unable to do so yourself. Today we'll look at some ways to insure yourself against the... View More
March 2 2012
For those who have either just entered or will soon be entering new multi-year pricing agreements there are a number of current news events that will have an impact on transportation providers costs of... View More
Feb. 9 2012
Thanks to wireless technology, mobile powered workstations (MPWs) are opening up new frontiers of efficiency, productivity, and profitability. These carts with integrated power supplies carry computers,... View More
