Aug. 7 2012
Most retailers are in the final stages of preparation for handling the increase in orders that comes in the second half of the year. Based on last year’s results and current forecasts, e-commerce... View More
Aug. 7 2012
Breaking into the offshore shipping market is like facing a 20-foot swell without a flotation device. The venture may leave your business gasping and nursing its bruises on the rocky beach. However, with... View More
Aug. 7 2012
If you are not in the shipping software business, why are you spending so much time, energy, and money on managing, updating, and deploying shipping software? Cloud-based shipping systems deliver... View More
July 8 2012
As we move into a new era of great expectations for the purchasing and supply management executive, each of the Seven-Star Purchasing Areas of Excellence below will represent aspects that need to be handled... View More
July 8 2012
Businesses shipping regularly to Canada seek to improve efficiency and cut costs in transporting goods across the U.S./Canadian border. A new white paper — Develop Your Scalable Canadian Supply Chain... View More
July 8 2012
A survey conducted by Kemp Goldberg Partners and IDG Research Services in late 2011 reflects that supply chain professionals are resistant to participating in social media. The survey reveals that 60 percent... View More
July 8 2012
Six months ago, who would have predicted that 2012 would turn out to be the year that it's been? And we still have six more months to go!While its summertime and we're in the midst of the baseball season,... View More
June 6 2012
Doing business with Canada is as simple as doing business with California, true or false? The answer may surprise you: it is true and false. True: Doing business with Canada is as simple as doing... View More
June 6 2012
Are you the seat belt that your supply chain depends on to survive a crash? Risk management is something every one of us practices every day, multiple times a day, in both our private and business lives... View More
June 6 2012
Most of the packages transported by small package carriers are similar in size. Generally these are single packages going to one address and are made of corrugated cardboard. They are easy to carry and... View More
June 6 2012
After analyzing the shipping trends of more than 350 Global, National, and Middle Market companies that base their shipping in the US, we’ve found that most US-based shippers overspend by an average... View More
May 23 2012
There are three principle objectives that apply across all supply chains for both products and services, cross all barriers of culture, distance, language, and are universally understandable by operations,... View More
May 23 2012
In my previous article, we learned all about Canada as the number one trading partner with the USA. We also learned about the $248.2 billion of exported goods to Canada in 2010. Most importantly, we learned... View More
May 23 2012
In today’s economic climate, companies need to find new ways to reduce shipping cost, eliminate shipping errors, and be more efficient in processing shipments. Doing more with less has become the... View More
May 23 2012
I’ve shied away from writing about the United States Postal Service in this column. The reason is simply because the situation is so dynamic that it lends itself more to the immediate feedback from... View More
May 23 2012
It is well-documented: efficiently run companies hire less and invest more in technology. Businesses that want to compete and grow get complete visibility and control over transportation costs and processes... View More
May 23 2012
Every time my grandkids see a commercial about “moving to the cloud,” they want Grandpa to take them there. The National Institute of Science and Technology defines cloud computing as the delivery... View More
May 23 2012
While the troubled global economy appears to have entered recovery mode, the pressure to deliver goods efficiently has only intensified for warehouse and logistics managers. Margins remain thin and consumer... View More
May 9 2012
We learned on the first day of science class that experimentation and testing are foundations for the scientific method. Those lessons from so long ago remain important today for any company using packaging... View More
May 8 2012
Last month we examined three of the four critical aspects of effective leadership, The Follower, The Leader, and Communication. This month we will look at The Situation, and conclude with an exercise that... View More
