Dec. 2 2020
Plan for 2021? But you might think, “we’re not even finished with holiday season for 2020 yet.” Oftentimes, planning takes a backseat to current pressures or demands (like an unprecedent
Nov. 4 2020
We now live in the Online Shopping Era. The e-commerce transformation of the past two decades – especially the past five years – has translated to last-mile vehicles popping up... View More
Oct. 23 2020
Congratulations! Your business just purchased a new warehouse management system (WMS). This is one of the most important decisions in moving away from out of date paper processes and spreadshe... View More
Oct. 14 2020
The COVID-19 virus and pandemic has changed the world in countless ways. Although lockdown orders have been helpful to prevent the spread of the virus, the sudden halt of the economy has ravag... View More
Oct. 7 2020
Optimizing your warehouse to meet your business requirements has certainly taken a twist since COVID and social distancing have become a daily reality. Many of the existing issues are relevant... View More
number 3
Sept. 8 2020
Warehouses and distribution centers play a vital role in the success of the supply chain industry. And behind these operations are the material handling professionals and equipment who keep in... View More
Aug. 31 2020
The threat of a pandemic had the ability to break the weak supply chains and embolden the strong ones. The ones less prepared have struggled in getting supplies, finding workers, protecting th... View More
Aug. 20 2020
There was a simpler time when order fulfillment meant picking an item, throwing it into a carton filled with peanuts, paper, or air pillows, and adding it to a pile of packages to be loaded on... View More
Aug. 11 2020
From Prime Day and back-to-school shopping to the big holiday test at the end of the year, peak season preparation follows a similar, steadily evolving playbook through the years. But 2020 is unique... View More
July 27 2020
A large percentage of e-retailers in the US fulfill orders from a single distribution center. Not only does this strategy limit delivery speed and increase parcel shipping costs, it creates a... View More
July 23 2020
It’s official: e-commerce and direct-to-consumer (DTC) shipping are more than just trends and continue to steadily grow. For consumer goods importers and distributors on the fence, it’s... View More
July 15 2020
Sustainability has earned its place among other social priorities like education and national security. Our actions over the next few years will define the long-term livability of earth. Taking quick... View More
June 26 2020
There’s nothing more important right now than preparation, as evidenced by how COVID-19 took us by surprise. However, the upcoming peak season is a known occurrence (even though it could loo... View More
June 24 2020
The challenges of 2020 so far, as the world battles the global pandemic of COVID-19, have been unprecedented. The past few years have offered many challenges for logistics professionals, such... View More
April 13 2020
If you’re like most retailers, you’ll do close to 40 percent of your business in Q4. And that number will probably grow: e-commerce sales during the 2019 holiday season rose 18.8 perce... View More
April 13 2020
Rice Lake, Wis.—Rice Lake Weighing Systems has acquired The Postea Group, a Boston-based developer and manufacturer of dimensioning equipment and software. Known for its... View More
April 10 2020
Turnover of your staff and associates is one of the most detrimental events in the distribution center. When someone quits, you lose the domain knowledge, procedural knowledge, and the l... View More
March 26 2020
The introduction of Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) shipping complicates the traditional fulfillment model. Instead of sending full pallets directly to the retailer, distributors now must ship to var... View More
March 16 2020
All of us make decisions about what tasks we are willing to do ourselves and what tasks we would rather hire someone else to do for us. Should we mow our own lawns, clean our own houses, change the oi
March 9 2020
Our industry is seeing innovations that will change the way we operate the complete supply chain. Blockchain will improve transparency, reliability, and efficiency. Mobile robots are gaining t... View More
