April 27 2023
The term "control tower" is often broadly applied when describing reports and dashboards; however, it’s much more than that. While visibility is a prerequisite, having a true control tower... View More
April 4 2023
The year is still in its infancy, and yet so much change is happening in the parcel world. Your company’s logistics department should be up to date with the ever-changing parcel landscape. B... View More
March 20 2023
Over the years, there have been several unforgettable moments that have completely interrupted the daily routine and reshaped the way we look at the world. Wars, recessions, terrorist attacks, and now
March 1 2023
2022 was a year of rapid change for parcel shippers. So was 2021 and 2020. Now, shippers are turning their attention from what has happened to what will happen next. The winds of cha... View More
Feb. 23 2023
FREE SHIPPING. As consumers, we all want it and have come to expect it when shopping online – but as a retailer, you know better than anyone, “free shipping” is certainly not free.... View More
Feb. 1 2023
In our November/December, 2022 issue, we profiled some of the consultants in the parcel sector. If your new year's resolution is to add a consultant to the mix, check out the companies highlighted he... View More
Jan. 30 2023
Buckle up, folks. 2023 is shaping up to be an especially eventful year in the parcel industry. Economic conditions continue to drive industry change, and both FedEx and UPS are facing unique challenge
Jan. 27 2023
Latest reports show package thefts rose by 87 percent last month and more than 260 million packages were lost to theft at a cost of $19.5bn to the consumer. According to research, North Dakota... View More
Jan. 5 2023
In recent years, we’ve seen record high general rate increases (GRI), large jumps in fuel costs and extended peak seasons. 2022 has been no different and will be a year to remember for many reasons
Jan. 3 2023
Congratulations! After years of searching, sitting through countless demos where you smile politely and promise to call (but you know you won’t), you’ve finally done it. You found The One
Dec. 26 2022
The global supply chain is complex, fragile and subject to disruptions. The COVID-19 pandemic has strained the supply chain for the past few years, forcing businesses to adapt and deal with ch... View More
Nov. 3 2021
Just how bad are market constraints right now? In short, conditions across the industry are record-breakingly bad. If you’re a shipper right now, you’re waiting for goods that are delayed... View More
Oct. 18 2021
Many things have changed in the past year, but one thing that is constant has been rising shipping costs. With today’s current market, the addition of more peak surcharges, decreased delivery perfor
Oct. 4 2021
Business-to-business (B2B) parcels are recovering and are competing with business-to-consumer (B2C) parcels for available last-mile capacity. According to UPS, B2C volumes are expected to rema... View More
Sept. 27 2021
Thinking about who’s on top of their game right now? It’s Target. There are so many lessons to be learned from its current success – a success that’s been a while in the making.... View More
Sept. 23 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has redefined the retail industry by placing e-commerce at the center of retailers’ strategies. While e-commerce had been on a steady growth pattern prior to the pandemic, it... View More
Sept. 22 2021
At first thought, order fulfilling robots and virtual reality lipstick try-on may conjure a mental image of something right out of The Jetsons. The long-running TV series portrayed a utopian f... View More
Sept. 17 2021
Before the pandemic, consumers were satisfied with one-click ordering that came with two-day delivery, or even next-day delivery. Not anymore. In an extremely short period of time, ordering g... View More
Sept. 15 2021
“Never let a good crisis go to waste.” The achievements of a fledgling e-commerce industry during the beginning of this century have been astounding. The concept of shopping on a home computer... View More
Aug. 23 2021
It’s no surprise that customer satisfaction with online retail took a dive over the last year, as delivery delays and supply shortages originating from the COVID-19 pandemic were further com... View More
