Much has been written on FedEx and UPS rate increases, but what another large logistics provider, Amazon? Net sales from third-party sellers continue to grow for the e-commerce behemoth, often r... View More
With consumers migrating away from traditional brick and mortar retail options, companies continue to increase their online presence and e-commerce offerings in order to stay relevant and profitable... View More
Dimensional weight (also referred to as DIM weight, volumetric weight, or cubed weight) is the relationship of shipping box size to actual weight of the unit. As many parcel shippers know, prici... View More
In our personal lives, it can be uncomfortable to answer the scary “what if?” questions about our cars, our homes, our health, and our lives themselves. But with respect to Murphy’s... View More
Two emerging technologies, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), offer exciting possibilities for many industries, including the supply chain. VR is an immersive technology: the end u... View More
We live in a world that demands instant gratification. What this means to companies – retailers, distributors, and suppliers – is that the pressure has never been greater to provide ever-fas
In the frothy battle for online customer loyalty, shipping choices and amounts charged for those choices is a highly influential front. Retailers have been grappling with this changing landscape... View More
This article originally appeared in the July/August, 2018 issue of PARCEL. Threats have now become a reality as global trade comes under attack. Actions such as tariffs and Brexit are risks that ship
The real question on retailers’ minds is why do customers choose to buy something? If they could get into their heads, their lives would be a lot easier, as they would be able to clearly see w... View More
Earlier this year, I had a “discovery” experience when I was introduced to an entire world of which I was not very familiar. I’ve worked in the mailing/shipping industry for over 30... View More
E-commerce is driving parcel shipping growth at a rate of 10% per year, and rates are increasing at twice the rate of inflation. And it’s just the beginning: e-commerce currently represents on... View More
This article originally appeared in the July/August, 2018 issue of PARCEL. E-commerce is rapidly overtaking brick & mortar retail sales, with US online sales reaching $409 billion in 2017 a... View More
As companies grow, either organically or through mergers and acquisitions, leaders making pivotal business decisions must remain cognizant of the state of their industry in North America and the world
Remember the shopping experience of old? Make yourself presentable, get in the car, drive to multiple locations – maybe even try on a few things, and then make your way to a line of people waiting... View More
No matter if you’re a small business or a Fortune 500 company, workflow management and employee productivity top the list of things to improve. And sometimes that means cutting processes, hirin... View More
Our company has a customer that is one of the most successful retailers of sporting goods equipment in the world. This particular company was started by a young entrepreneur who started selling ski eq
During the holiday season, there is always a mad dash by retailers to have the best promotions to lure in customers. In more recent years, that opportunity has moved more and more towards e-commerce a
This article originally appeared in the March/April, 2018 issue of PARCEL.In the last installment of PARCEL Counsel — “Back to the Future: UPS and Last-Mile Delivery” — we saw how... View More
It's easy to understand why parcel shippers might want to use a regional carrier; they usually offer flexible pickup windows, faster transit times, and lower transportation and accessorial cost. And... View More
It’s no surprise that Amazon is today’s e-commerce leader. In fact, according to data from One Click Retail, Amazon was responsible for about 44% of all US e-commerce sales in 2017. Many attribute