April 21 2022
It's generally accepted that the COVID-19 pandemic simply accelerated the trend towards growing parcel volumes. But it was a bit of surprise how quickly those consumers that were not signific... View More
April 19 2022
You just finished a grueling negotiation with your parcel carrier. A consultant may have helped you in your efforts to attain the best terms and conditions possible. Perhaps the process this time was... View More
April 15 2022
Reading up on the latest news and assessing the hottest trends makes up a large part of staying competitive in any market. The transportation and logistics industries are no different. Having... View More
April 11 2022
Last year, the U.S. labor shortage reached epic levels, with an estimated 10.7 million unfilled jobs. The parcel delivery sector is feeling the labor crunch amidst a slew of pandemic-led chall... View More
April 8 2022
The United States Postal Service introduced yet another set of new shipping fees on April 3, 2022. So, what does this mean for you and your business? What are the new USPS shipping fees?... View More
April 7 2022
Warehouses and distribution networks are key assets for any supply chain. Because of this, organizations are recognizing the need to streamline processes within the four walls to increase prod... View More
April 4 2022
Sorry, folks. The last mile is not necessarily the end of a supply chain. Instead, we at the Reverse Logistics Association view the supply chain as circular, encompassing reverse logistics pra... View More
March 29 2022
With expenses rising, it can be difficult to justify the initial cost of certain actions, like implementing packaging automation equipment and hardware. Knowing how much that cost is can be an... View More
March 25 2022
The pandemic’s effect has had a considerable impact on most businesses, but few as visible as the effect on the small parcel shipping industry. Prior to the pandemic, most of the customer an... View More
March 23 2022
Have you ever taken the time to fully read your carrier agreement from UPS or FedEx? Generally, most shippers have not. Yet, fully reading and understanding all of the non-pricing components o... View More
March 21 2022
By now, it’s no secret that the COVID-19 virus and pandemic has changed the world in countless ways. Many would also agree that the effect has been felt within the supply chain world as much... View More
March 17 2022
Pritha Mehra (center) holds the Megan J. Brennan Award for Excellence. Shoshana Grove (left) and Anita Pursley (right) are co-chairs of WILDS. On December 16, 2021, during the Women in Lo... View More
March 15 2022
Contracts and contracting have often been the topics of previous installments of PARCEL Counsel. In this issue, we will look at a category of contracts not previously considered: USPS’s Nego... View More
March 8 2022
Staffing issues and rising costs to deliver parcels to residential locations are resulting in a number of last-mile carriers encouraging their customers to use other options, such as third-party pick-
March 4 2022
There’s no doubt that the past two years have brought intense challenges to the global supply chain. There has never been higher awareness of how complex – and delicate – the current... View More
March 2 2022
Two years ago, FedEx, UPS, DHL, and the other parcel carriers delivered 70% of their shipments to businesses mostly in major cities. In the last two years, this delivery ratio has flipped. But why the
Feb. 28 2022
Every year, you are trying to increase your business and ship more packages, more efficiently, and more effectively. Throughout your year, one important step in your overall operation needs to be care
Feb. 25 2022
Consumers are driving some of the biggest changes to e-commerce in decades. When it comes to choosing retailers, consumers are prioritizing convenience and a seamless shopping experience. If r... View More
Feb. 23 2022
What can providers learn from today’s disrupted supply chain? And how can they use those lessons to re-engineer today’s flawed supply chain? Two logistics veterans say it’s all about... View More
Feb. 21 2022
Today’s supply chain is more complex and crowded than ever before, so choosing the right freight option is critical to success for any business. When shipping internationally, you have the o... View More
